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FAQ- Managing Student Subscriptions

Helpful info about how to manage your student subscriptions for a membership

Updated over 3 months ago

When you create a Membership program, you'll want to consider how you choose to manage student payment subscriptions- including taking care of issues such as declines and credit card updates.

If you use Xperiencify's Order Form to set up a recurring Membership, then your payment processor is Stripe.

When your student purchases the Membership, Xperiencify will automatically create a subscription in Stripe for your student.

From then on, the primary place in which you will manage your students' payments is in Stripe -- not inside the Xperiencify platform.

(Xperiencify does not actually take any money from your students. We simply create an integration, so that a subscription for the student is created directly in your Stripe account).

Here are some common questions about managing student subscription payments:

Is access denied to a membership course revoked upon a payment decline?

  • No. If there is a payment fail, XP will notify the XP account owner, but the account owner is responsible for taking action (terminate, reinstate, etc.)

Is there an automated email sent asking customer to update their billing

  • Your XP account is attached to your Stripe account. Stripe provides automated email notifications to customers to handle issues with billing, including when a payment fails or if a card is about to expire. The XP account owner must confirm these settings are set up in Stripe.

Is membership access automatically re-granted upon successful rebill?

  • The XP account owner is responsible for taking action (terminate, reinstate, etc.)

Are email receipts sent to customers upon purchase & each successful rebill?

  • Stripe can send email receipts to customers for both initial purchases and each successful rebill of a subscription, but the XP account owner must enable this feature in their Stripe Dashboard

Can a student cancel membership themselves?

Will an email be sent to a student confirming cancellation of membership?

  • Not automatically. To enable this you will need to set up a webhook in Stripe to listen for the customer.subscription.deleted event. When the event is triggered (indicating a cancellation), you can send a custom email notification to the customer using Go Plus.

Is it possible to grant free access complimentary membership for a certain length of time?

  • Yes. Set up a coupon for 100% off in Step 2 of your Membership course, then apply to 1st payment only.

Email sent to customer at end of free access period w/ buy link?

  • Create an experience in Step 5 that uses the trigger "Added to course" then waits for 30 days until the email is sent.

Credit card expiring? When card has expired, tag applied, send an email?

  • Stripe can send automated emails to subscribers notifying them when their credit card on file is about to expire. This is part of Stripe’s built-in customer email notifications for expiring cards.

For further support with your Stripe dashboard, or any Stripe features, you can visit Stripe support here.

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