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Sort media alphabetically or by date
Sort media alphabetically or by date
John Kanding avatar
Skrevet af John Kanding
Opdateret for over et år siden

You can sort your media alphabetically or by date of upload when in Thumb view. Thumb view is the default way to view your media.

You can also see your media in a List view. You will have more information presented in columns and you can sort based on one of the columns. The 2 different ways of viewing your media just have different advantages. So change them after your immediate needs

The Thumb view. As default your Thumbs are sorted alphabetically, ascending.

You can switch between ascending and descending by clicking again on the Alphabetical sorting icon.

If you rather wants to sort by Time and Date, click the icon on the right with the small clock.

List view. The same applies to sorting. It can be alphabetical or time. But you can also choose to sort by clicking on the labels of the columns

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