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Safety Observer & Email integration
Safety Observer & Email integration

Safety Observer er en gratis app, som gør det nemt at indsamle oplysninger om arbejdsmiljørisici på en arbejdsplads.

John Kanding avatar
Skrevet af John Kanding
Opdateret over en uge siden

You can send media directly to your XpressU account.

If you have one or more media attached in the email then forward it to your special XpressU mail and XpressU will add it to your Library.

So instead of downloading all the media to your computer -> Log in to XpressU -> drag n' drop the media in to XpressU, you just send it.

Click on the Menu and then Integrations

You find your email address here. Copy it and save it as a contact in your Email application.

If you do not have this integration, write to us at support@xpressu.dk or contact us in Chat

Safty Oberserver App

The Safty Oberserver App is a Danish app, so this next section is written in Danish

Safety Observer er en gratis app, som gør det nemt at indsamle oplysninger om arbejdsmiljørisici på en arbejdsplads.

App'en er gratis og kan downloades her:

Her er et link til vejledningen til brug af Safety Observer

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