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Shipping and delivery

Free shipping amounts and metafields for delivery time on product cards.

Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

The shipping and delivery settings contain the settings for your button and image styles across your webshop.

To edit your shipping and delivery settings you'll have to navigate to the settings.
Click on the 'Theme settings' in the left sidebar, its indicated with the following icon:

When clicked, on the right sidebar your theme settings will open:

Now click on 'Shipping and delivery', the following settings will open:

Free shipping

Free shipping amount:
If you offer free shipping, you can set the amount here. It will show in the cart when the customer has free shipping.

Please be aware, the shipping amount can only be set globally for one currency. This can cause issues with multi-currency shops.
For example: If you allow free shipping from 50 euro, calculated back to pounds that would be 42 pounds. That will mean that customers from England will be able to get free shipping from 42 pounds.

Delivery time

Create two metafields containing the product deliverytime; one for when the product is in stock and one for when the product is not in stock. Fill in the namespace and key here (e.g. my_fields.deliverytime_in_stock) and it will be shown on the productcards!

Metafield deliverytime - in stock:
Fill in the name of your metafield that contains the data for the in stock message.

Metafield deliverytime - out of stock:
Fill in the name of your metafield that contains the data for the out of stock message.

If you don't want to use the metafield, because you have the same deliverytime for all products, you can choose the default deliverytime messages.

Default deliverytime - in stock:
Fill in the delivery status for the in stock message.

Default deliverytime - out of stock:
Fill in the delivery status for the out of stock message.

Show product deliverytime for products without inventory tracking:
When the inventory tracking is disabled for a product, the 'in stock' delivery time will show. This is a great feature for giftcards for example!

Shipping timer

Before what time should your customers order:
If the customer orders before this time, the delivery time will show for example the next day: Order in x:xx hours and receive on 'day'

Starting from what time should the timer show up on your page:
When should the timer load in and show the delivery timer every day?

Show shipping timer when product is unavailable:
Check this option to hide the shipping timer for out of stock products.

On which days do you want to show the timer?:
On which days should the timer be active?

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