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Age verification popup
Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

The age verification popup settings contain the settings for an age verification popup! This is very handy if you sell content that is only available for adults. A great way to help your site being 'law proof!'

To edit your age verification popup settings you'll have to navigate to the settings.
Click on the 'Theme settings' in the left sidebar, its indicated with the following icon:

When clicked, on the right sidebar your theme settings will open:

Now click on 'Age verification popup', the following settings will open:


Enable age verification:
If you want your site to be only accessible for visitors over a certain age, enable this setting. That way the popup will show for new visitors.

Enable test mode:
Only enable test mode when editting the popup, this will result in the popup opening on every refresh on every page. Please disable this when publishing the theme and/or changes.

Note: Any enabled newsletter popup will be shown after you click through the Age verification popup.

Do you want to use a logo/image in your popup. You can upload this here.
For example, for users from the Netherlands the "Nix18" logo would be a perfect fit here.

Verification question

The verification questions will be the text that shows up in the popup. Make sure to fill this in in the way your country age rules are.
For example: Dutch citizens can't buy alcoholic beverages below the age of 18.

Set the title of the popup here.

Set the text of the popup here, this is really important. In this case the user is asked to confirm that his/her age is 18 years or older.

Cookie text (optional):
Since the popup will store a cookie (so it doesnt pop up on every page while confirming his/her age) the popup will also have the option to show your cookie law text. The text will automatically be shown to visitors when this is obliged. Make sure you have enabled 'Limit tracking for customers in Europe'.

Note: Any enabled cookiebanner/popup will be overwritten by the Age verification popup when the "Cookies" text" setting is set up here.

Approve button label:
Set the text of the button for approving to the terms.

Decline button label:
Set the text of the button for when your customer declines to the terms.


The declined settings will be the text that shows up in the popup when the customer declined your reasons in the popup.

Set the title of the popup for declined customers here.

Set the text of the popup for declined customers here.

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