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Section: Promo Gallery

All you need to know about the Promo Gallery section

Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

The promo gallery makes it possible for you to show some promotion banners within your page!

To activate this section you first have to add the section to your page. This can be done in a few small steps.

1) Click on 'add section' which can be found in your left sidebar

2) Scroll down, or search for 'Promo gallery', then click on 'Promo gallery' under Theme sections.

3) Done, your promo gallery is added!

General settings

The general settings contains the settings for the styling and layout of the testimonials section.
Simply click on the 'section' to open the settings.

On the right sidebar, the following settings will show

Columns per row:
Set the number of columns you want for your gallery. The maximum here is 4 columns (banners) in one row. The design will change on base of how many banners you use.

Control the width for this promo gallery section choosing from fullwidth or boxed width.

Show zoom effect on hover on banner images:
Check this box if you want the image to get an zoom effect when you hover over the images

Mobile Layout

Select the layout for mobile.


Bottom spacing desktop/mobile:
That way you will get the amount of whitespace below the element you want. The default for desktop is 50px and the default for mobile is 30px.

How to configure the promo gallery banners and change the images & text?

By default, there are 3 images/banners added, you can edit them, remove them or add more.

1. Editing the image banners

To edit the blocks you simply click on the block you want to edit in your sidebar on the left of your screen.

After you clicked the block, on the right of your screen the following sidebar will open.

Set your images here, for example a nice banner for a sale.

You can also select a video to show in your banner. There are two ways to show the video:

  1. When you choose an image as well, there will be a "play" button showing on top of your image and the video will play in a popup.

  2. When you don't choose an image, the video will play inline in the banner

Image/video overlay opacity:
Want to show an colored overlay over the image/video? Set the opacity here.
This comes in handy when you use text over the banner image/video to make it easier to read.
100% = full color
0% = no overlay

Color scheme:
Select the color scheme for the overlay. You can select the color scheme here.

Button scheme:
Select the color scheme for the button. You can select the color scheme here.

Sale label:

Check the box if you want to add a Sale label over your gallery images. You can use the above options to customize the sale label:
- heading/sub heading
- text
- sale label shape
- sale label color scheme

Heading size:
Select the size of the primary and secondary heading from a range of small to extra large. When you choose for "Extra large", the size of the description will also be a bit larger than normal.

Fill in the title of your banner. Don't want to show a title? Simply leave the field empty!

You now have an option to have second heading.

Heading font:
Select font family for your primary and secondary headings.

In the text field you can fill in more text to reinforce the title of your banner. For this example we're going to use: 'Give your customers more details'.

Button label:
This text will show on the button, for example: 'View products'

Enter a link for the button, for example to your products sale page.

Show link instead of button:
Check this box if you don't want a button to show, but only a clickable text.

You can read about the Shop the look feature here.

2. How to remove an image banner?

Don't want to use 3 banners? But you want to use 2? You can always remove the banners one by one to fit in your needs.
To remove the blocks you simply click on the block you want to remove in your sidebar on the left of your screen.

After you clicked the block, on the right of your screen the sidebar will open.
On the bottom left of this sidebar, the following button 'Remove block' shows.

3. How to add a new/more image banners?

Do you want to use more images? That's possible, no worries!
To add blocks you simply click on the 'Add promo banner' button in your sidebar on the left of your screen.

After you clicked on 'Add Image banner', a new block will be added. You can edit the block like explained in step 1.

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