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Search page

Everything you will need to know on how to setup your search page

Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

The search page settings contain all the settings/sections you need to configure your search page. You can build your own search page from scratch, but ofcourse we've provided the theme with a default search page.

How to edit the search?

The search page contains of sections and blocks, these sections and blocks can be added, edited and removed. You can use all the sections that are used on the homepage. There are not really specific elements for the search page. But it is nice to have a template you can work with!

First you'll have to navigate to the search page template.
You can do this by navigating to Others > Search in the top bar of the theme editor

Once on this page, the default template is ready to be edited!

General 'Search page' settings

The general search page settings contains the basic settings for the search page.
The search page section also contain blocks, which are there to add and style the elements of your search page. We will go in depth about this after the general settings.

Simply click on the 'section' to open the settings.

On the right sidebar, the following settings will show:

Search results


Search results per page:
Select how many products you want to show on a page. The minimum option is 12, the maximum is 48.


Here you can choose what kind of pagination should be used for your search page. By default, this is set to "Pages', but you can also select "'Show more' button.

The 'Show more' button is an "infinite-scroll" functionality for your search page and will stop the page from reloading.

Show amount of search results:
If you want to enable the 'x products' notice in the sorting options bar, enable this setting. This will show how many products are within the search result.

Products per row:
Select how many products you want to show on a row. Making this number higher results in smaller product images.

Secondary grid products per row:
Controls the product per row in the secondary grid.

Filter and menu alignment

Show filters
Enable this option if you want to show productfilters in the menu.

Show menu:
Enable this if you want to show the menu (select a menu in the setting below).

Set the alignment of the elements, do you want the sidebar to show on the left or on the right?

Select the menu you want to show on the left of the collection page. We recommend using your categories, so customers can navigate around the collections easy without using the header menu.

Enable sticky filters:
Do you want the filters to be sticky (always in screen), enable this option.

Enable 'show more' link after amount of filters:
When do you want the show more link to be active; after how many filters?

Enable custom font size:
Check this option if you want to have custom font size for your filter text.

Control the layout of your blog posts showing in search results.

Mobile Layout

Enable sticky filter button:
Check the box if you want the filter button to be sticky on mobile. This way the filter wont be out of the screen.

Blocks of the search page

as stated before, the search page contain blocks. These blocks can be setup in the search page section. The blocks are there to design your search page to your taste.

We'll go by the search page section blocks one by one.

Title block

The title block has no settings, the title block is usually on the top of the page under the header, but you can always move it to your desired place!

Sorting options block

The sorting options block contains the option for the products sorting element. This is the bar with the sorting options and grid/list view selector.

The sorting options block has no settings.

Results block

The results block contains the settings for the product view/grid on the collections pages.

The results block has no settings

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