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Section: Featured product

Everything you need to know to set up the featured product section

Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

The featured product section makes it possible for you to add a nice section with a featured product.

To activate this section you first have to add the section to your page. This can be done in a few small steps.

1) Click on 'add section' which can be found in your left sidebar

2) Scroll down, or search for 'Featured product', then click on 'featured product'

3) Done, your Featured product section is added.

Note: Don't worry if you've added the section and don't see it. The section requires to have a product selected to be shown. We can select a product in the settings.

General settings

The general settings contains the settings for the styling and layout of the 'featured product' section.
Simply click on the 'section' to open the settings.

On the right sidebar, the following settings will show:


Select a product you want to feature.
Note: Select a product to activate the section, otherwise the section will be hidden.

Image Layout:
Select how you want to show product image, you can select from single image with scroll, 2 images with scroll or the go to one image slide.

Font size:
You can select a general font size for all the elements in the featured product section.

Show product description:
Check this option to show the product description of the featured product.

In mobile layout settings, you can select the image layout either fullwidth or boxed with. And select the heading sizes in the tabs.

How to configure the featured product elements?

By default, there are 13 elements added, you can edit them, remove them or add more elements.
The following elements are added:

- Vendor

- Title
- Short product description
- Variant picker

- Pickup availability
- Inventory & delivery time
- Price
- Buy button
- Spacer
- Information x 3
- Shipping timer

Each of these elements can further be adjusted/customized, feel free to check all of them and if you have any questions click on the chat icon which you can find on the bottom right of your screens.

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