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Section: Contact form

Everything you will need to know on how to setup your contact form section

Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

The contact form section makes it possible for you to add a section with a contact form, this comes in handy on some pages!

To activate this section you first have to add the section to your page. This can be done in a few small steps.

1) Click on 'add section' which can be found in your left sidebar

2) Scroll down, or search for 'Contact form', then click on 'Contact form'.

3) Done, your Contact form section is added.

General settings

The general settings contains the settings for the styling, layout and the setup of the 'Contact form' section.
Simply click on the 'section' to open the settings.

On the right sidebar, the following settings will show

This setting will determine the alignment of the text fields. Do you want them aligned in the center or aligned on the left?


You can add 2 headings in the form Primary heading and Secondary heading:

For these headings you can control the font family (between primary & secondary) and font sizes from Small to Extra large.

Show input field placeholders
Do you want to show placeholders? Like 'Name' within the name field? Then enable this setting.

Compact view
Enable this if you want the form to be shown in a compact view.


Enable this option to have custom text styling for your contact form. You can change heading color scheme and headings font weight.


Bottom spacing desktop/mobile:

Set the spacing on the bottom for desktop and mobile.

That way you will get the amount of whitespace below the element you want. The default for desktop is 50px and the default for mobile is 30px.

How to configure the contact form?

You can edit your contact form, to determine which elements you want to use, for example only the name and email adress. That way you can configure the contact form to your likings.

1. Editing the contact form items.
To edit the contact form you simply click on the contact form item you want to edit in your sidebar on the left of your screen.

After you clicked the item (name in this example), on the right of your screen the following sidebar will open.

Text label:
Set the title of the label (field), for this example its 'Name'

Text placeholder:
Set the placeholder of the field, this will show in the input field, so the customer will always know how you would like to receive their data.

Required field:
Check this box to make the field required.

All the input fields have the same settings and can also be removed. To remove it, simply click on the 'Remove block' button.

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