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Exporting your survey data

A step-by-step process for exporting your survey data from the Yabble platform

Written by Sarah Goodhew
Updated over 2 years ago

1/ Once you’re logged in, click on Projects on the left side of the page.

2/ Click the project you want to export data from.

3/ Once you’re on that specific project page, click the Responses tab.

4/ On the Responses page, click the Export button in the All responses section, and then click Export as CSV.

5/ Select the questions you’d like to export. All your questions will be preselected, so you can leave all the boxes checked or click Unselect all to choose specific questions. Once you’re done, click Export.

6/ You’ll receive an email when your export is ready; click the download link in the email to get your CSV. You can also download it from the project page by navigating to the Exports tab, clicking the three-dot icon to the right of your export, and hitting Download.

NOTE: You can add a filter for project status (e.g. completes, partials, disqualified), sample type, demographics, variable, specific question responses, and response date.

To add a filter when exporting your data, click the filter you’d like to add, and then navigate to Filter > Export > Export as CSV.

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