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Add a User

Add teammates to your account so they can use Yabble too!

Written by Sarah Goodhew
Updated over a year ago

To add a new user to your account, navigate to settings in the top navigation bar, under your initials.

Go to users > add users

Add first name, last name, email address and user role. The added user will receive an automated invite from Yabble to set-up their account.

This link must be activated within 48 hours. If the link expires before they can set-up their account, navigate back to users under settings and you'll be able to re-send the invite using the 3 dots next to the pending user.

What are the user roles?

Administrator: Can see all data imports, projects and analysis on your Yabble account

User: Can see only data imports and projects they create themselves

How do I remove a user?

  • Navigate to settings > users

  • Click the 3 dots next to the user you want to remove and click 'remove user'. They will no longer have access to that Yabble account.

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