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1. Prepare your data for import to Count
1. Prepare your data for import to Count
Written by Sarah Goodhew
Updated over 8 months ago

Are you ready to import your short-form data to run a Count project? Follow our easy checklist to ensure your data file will process successfully.

  1. Ensure your file follows these data limits ­– your import may fail if these are not met:

    1. There is a maximum limit of 9000 characters for each text response being analyzed.

    2. There is a maximum of 100 custom variables per file.

    3. A date column is mandatory and there can only be one date column per file.

    4. Maximum file size is 2MB.

  2. Use Row 1 for headers.

    1. For custom variables – we recommend making them short and easy to understand eg. Date, Location, Gender. These labels are used for navigation and filtering of data. Avoid labels not all users of the data may know eg. Q1/A1 etc.

    2. For text data – ensure column titles are descriptive to guide the AI on how to count your data. For example, “How would you describe a restaurant that was good value for money?” as opposed to just “Good value restaurants”. This helps to give the AI context and better theme your responses.

      1. Top Tip – do not just use the survey question as the label. As a survey question does not always provide enough context for the AI.

  3. Clean your data file. Clear your file of junk and gibberish responses. This will ensure you’re only paying for insights from high-quality data. Our quality control processes also automatically look for these types of irrelevant responses and remove any identified ones. However, the best quality control is your own.

    1. eg. xyz, qwerty, nah, idk

    2. eg. bot generated responses not relevant to your topic.

  4. Add a date column and use the digestible format (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss or dd-mm-yyyy). Every upload requires a date column. Use your respondents’ completion date or the survey date, or select the day of your import if the date isn't relevant to you. Inputting an accurate date now will allow the use of the trending feature for longitudinal data.

  5. Add custom variables; they’re free! You can upload up to 100 custom variables These help you filter your data for deeper analysis once it’s been processed.

    1. What are custom variables?
      Custom variables are additional pieces of information to assist with your analysis and are particularly useful for filtering your Counted data. Common examples include demographics, attitudes, and ratings.

  6. Save your file as a CSV. Make sure you're uploading CSV files only as this is the only format accepted.

Once you’ve followed all these steps and your file is ready to upload, you can proceed with your import. See our article on how to 'Import your data for Count' to find out how.

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