Because plenty of our curriculums are dependent on teamwork, grading, and mastery we understand that you may want to customize the pacing of your students' work. You may want them to earn 3 stars on all of their coding exercises, or ensure they're moving at the same speed of the class in their literacy courses. Whatever the case, you can adjust the blocks that a class may or may not have in order to move on. If you don't have "sequential lessons" checked, students may be able to "skip around" their lessons. This may result in "finishing the curriculum" by completing the last lesson but still leaving a majority incomplete.
First, go to your Classes tab.
Then, select the class you'd like to adjust the curriculum for.
Then, select the Settings tab.
Now, select the General Class Options sub-tab.
From here, select the Sequential Lessons box.
From here, you'll see a list of all available curriculums. By selecting one of them, you'll be able to ensure your students are able to move on without 3 stars (for coding and keyboarding lessons) and non-sequentially (for all other lessons and keyboarding lessons). When you're finished making your selections, hit Assign.