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Viewing Individual Student's Progress (Standalone Single School Administrator & Teacher)
Viewing Individual Student's Progress (Standalone Single School Administrator & Teacher)

How to view and alter individual progress and settings.

Niki Frisby avatar
Written by Niki Frisby
Updated over a week ago

The ability to view your student’s progress is a powerful and easy option. It allows you to edit student lessons, manage badges, delete specific progress and generate an overview for that specific student. This is great tool for parent-teacher conferences, for send-home reports and to hone in on any specific student’s curriculum in general.

From your classroom, click the hyperlink of the name of the student whose progress you’d like to view.

The top of the page will display the students name, the last date/time they logged in and 5 tabs for you to choose from: Summary, Curriculum, Badges, Typing Accommodations, Accessibility Options and Logins.

Summary Tab:

Here, you can see the student’s progress compared in average minutes and lessons the student has spent working in the program per month.

Curriculum Tab

Here, you can view all of the lessons as well as the scores and when they were completed. This is also where you will go should you chose to delete a lesson. First, you'll select a curriculum category (e.g., Code, Digital Literacy, etc.). Then, select the curriculum from the drop-down menu (e.g, Yeti Code Level 2, etc.). From here, you can select a date range and view the students' lessons and the grades they have received. By selecting Archived Data, you will be able to view data from years past.

Badges Tab:

Here, you can award and remove the student's badges and view the ones they've already earned.

Typing Accommodations:

Under the Typing Accommodations tab, you can view either Benchmarks or Settings. The Benchmarks tab will allow you to decide what earns a student 1, 2 or 3 stars in any keyboarding curriculum, whether or not to require a minimum WPM to earn a star, as well as the speed requirements to earn a Bolt Badge:

Under the Settings tab, you can choose various settings to optimize your students' keyboarding experience:

Accessibility Options Tab:

From here, you will be able to adjust the physical settings for that individual student. Under the Accessibility Options tab, you can adjust the curriculums according to the physical needs of the selected student.

  • Font Family: From this menu, select the font that will be most legible to your students. (Note: There is a font made specifically for dyslexic students that helps them with often problematic letters.)

  • Font Size: From this menu, adjust the size of the font that will be most visible to your students.

  • Hands: From this menu, you can select both hands, left hand only or right hand only to accommodate single-handed typists.

  • High Contrast: If selected, the students will see a high color contrast in their lessons to improve readability.

  • Closed Captioning: If selected, all videos will have captions for your student to read.

  • Text-To-Speech: If selected, the students will hear a voice read all text on the screen.


Here is where you can view all dates, times and IP addresses of any student's logins.

Here's a short video to explain the process:

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