Your risk tolerance answer helps us select investment recommendations that might meet your preferences.
Each one of our offerings has a risk tolerance score developed by our investment teams, based on quantitative and qualitative factors. As alternative investments are inherently risky, Yieldstreet’s risk tolerance preferences include only Moderate, Aggressive, and Aggressive Plus, which reflect the range of risk profiles offered on the platform. We might recommend an offering that has a lower risk tolerance rating than your preference, but we won’t recommend offerings with a greater risk tolerance rating.
Our risk tolerance scores are inherently subjective and were assigned relative to the investment universe available on Yieldstreet. In answering this question, you should think about things like how important returns are relative to risk, your tolerance for volatile performance over a period of time, your appetite for investing in esoteric assets for which there is very little public or historical market data, and your desire for diversification within each particular asset class or investment offering. All investments involve risk, including the possible loss of capital, even if they are rated with a lower risk tolerance score. If you think your risk tolerance is lower or more conservative than the characterizations listed in the questionnaire, Yieldstreet may not have investment options that meet your criteria.