If you're verifying the accreditation status as an entity:
A third party can verify the entity’s accreditation on its behalf, or
Statements that confirm the entity's assets in excess of $5M.
If you're verifying the accreditation of an entity on behalf of it's owner(s); You can upload personal documents for all owner(s) in one of four ways, along with the legal agreement that shows the percentage of ownership in the entity:
Third party: you can submit a verification request through the Yieldstreet system to a third party such as your CPA or lawyer who will validate your status on your behalf
Income: if you qualify based on income (requirement is $200K/year for the past two years as an individual, or $300K/year if joint), you can upload your W-2 documents for the two most recent tax years
Net worth: if you qualify based on net worth (required to meet or exceed $1M), you can upload bank/brokerage statements that show assets as well as a credit report to show liabilities
CRD number: if you qualify by currently holding a Series 7, Series 65, or Series 82 license in good standing, you can submit your CRD number.