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PRO subscription FAQ
My subscription disappeared, what should I do?
My subscription disappeared, what should I do?

How to restore access to the subscription

Written by Anna
Updated over a week ago

If you have an iOS device:

If you need to restore access to your subscription, open Instories, tap on the settings menu in the upper left corner and then tap on "Restore Purchase".

If you’re unable to restore in-app purchases for Instories, please make sure that you have performed the following actions:

  1. Check that you are signed in with the Apple ID from which you bought the subscription.

  2. Re-log into your Apple ID in your device Settings and try again.

  3. Restart your device.

  4. Check that your in-app purchases are not hidden on any of your devices (tap here to find more about it).

  5. Contact our support team via the app chat.

If you have an Android device:

You need to make sure that the Google Play account from which you bought a subscription to Instories is the default account. To do this:

  1. Go to the Play Store app and log out of all accounts.

  2. Log into the one from which you bought the subscription. Then it will become the default account.

  3. Then you need to check if the subscription appears in the app. If it appears, you can log into all other Google Play accounts.

If this doesn't help, please contact our support team via the app chat.

If you bought the subscription on the website

Please contact our support team. We'd be happy to help you!

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