1️⃣ Log in to Trello
Before starting, log in to your Trello account from the official site.
2️⃣ Obtaining the Access Token
Once logged in, generate an API key and access token from the following page:
1. Open the "Power-Up Admin Portal"
A page like the one below will appear. Click "Power-Up Admin Portal".
2. Create a New Power-Up
Click "New" on the upper right.
3. Enter the required details and click "Create."
4. Generate an API Key
Click "Generate a new API key".
5. Copy the API key.
The API key is required for Trello operations in Yoom, so store it securely!
6. Generate an Access Token
Click "Manually generate a Token" next to the "API Key."
7. Authorize the Token
You will be redirected to the authorization page. Click "Allow" at the bottom.
8. Copy the Access Token
The access token will be displayed after the authorization.
Copy and store it securely, as it is also required for Trello integration in Yoom.
3️⃣ Register the Token on Yoom's My Apps Page
Open the Trello My Apps registration page in Yoom and enter:
Access Token
Account Name
Once registered, your Trello integration is completed. 🎉
Related Keywords
Related Keywords
Trello, My Apps, Integration, API Key, Access Token, Registration