📝 Overview
This article explains how to troubleshoot when you encounter a "Permission Denied" error in Kintone during the database or application operation.
Follow the steps below if you see the following error code:
{ "code": "CB_NO02", "id": "hpSa8wL4bqHgv4LYjzQI", "message": "No permission." }
💡 Note: If the issue persists after following the steps, please contact the support desk.
✅ Check Items
1️⃣ Verify Kintone Operation Permissions for Workflow Creator
Make sure that the user creating the workflow has the necessary permissions in Kintone.
There are three key permissions to check:
Access Permissions - Granted for the target application.
Field Access Permissions - Granted for specific fields within the application.
Record Access Permissions - Granted for records within the application.
Step to Confirm Permissions
①: Open the Kintone app that will be used in the workflow.
②: Click the gear icon ⚙️ to open the App Settings.
③: Select “Settings.”
④: Under “App”, confirm that the user creating the workflow has the necessary permissions.
⑤: Ensure the checkbox for the workflow creator is selected and click “Save.”
⑥: Click “Update App” to apply changes.
⑦: Repeat steps ④–⑥ for both “Record” and “Field” permissions.
⚠️ Make sure to click “Update App” after any changes.
2️⃣ Confirm Yoom’s My Apps Registration is Done Using a Kintone Authorized Account
Ensure that the Kintone account used for registering Yoom's My App has the appropriate permissions.
👉 For details on how to register a Kintone app in My Apps, check this article.
If the problem persists even after following the above steps, please reach out to the support desk for further assistance. 🚀