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How to Register My Apps in LINE WORKS (API 2.0)
How to Register My Apps in LINE WORKS (API 2.0)
Yoom 運営事務局 avatar
Written by Yoom 運営事務局
Updated over a week ago


This article introduces how to integrate LINEWORKS(API2.0) with Yoom (how to register a My App) and create a bot.

How to Register a My App

Please log in to the LINE WORKS Developer Console with an account that has administrator privileges.

After logging in, start creating a new app by selecting "Add New App."

Please register the app information as described below.

App Name


App Description

Please enter any description you like.

Redirect URL

* Please note that you need to click "Add" after entering it.

OAuth Scopes

If your LINE WORKS plan is Standard or higher, select "bot" "calendar" "user" "group" "file" "" "directory".

If you are on the Free plan, select "bot" "calendar" "" "".

Then, click the Save button to save the settings.

Copy the displayed "Client ID" and "Client Secret" values.

Open the My App registration screen in Yoom and enter the copied values in "Client ID" and "Client Secret."

Also, please enter the following in "Scope."

■ If your LINE WORKS plan is Standard or higher


■ If your LINE WORKS plan is Free


Related Help Pages

That completes the integration between Yoom and LINE WORKS 🎉

How to Create a Bot

You need to create a bot in order to send messages to LINE WORKS from Yoom.

On the Developer Console side menu, click "Bot," then proceed with "Register" to create one.

Please configure the Bot registration screen as follows.

Bot Name: YoomDescription: Please enter any descriptive text.Callback URL: OffInvite to chat room: Please check this option.Main Person in Charge: Please specify any user.

Then, click the Save button to complete the registration.

* For the Main Person in Charge, enter part of the name or address registered in LINE WORKS in the search window, and select the displayed candidate.

After that, you need to publish the created bot. Open the regular LINE WORKS screen, select "Admin Screen" from the person icon in the top right, and then open the bot menu in the Admin Screen.

When you click the "Add Bot" button, the bot you created earlier will be displayed, so click the "Add" link.

After adding, you can check the "Bot No" on the Bot list page.

This "Bot No" is required as the "Bot ID" when configuring the LINE WORKS app integration operation in Yoom, so make sure to copy it.

This completes the creation of a LINE WORKS bot 🎉

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