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Differences between "Webhook Trigger" and "Trigger with Interval" in App Triggers
Differences between "Webhook Trigger" and "Trigger with Interval" in App Triggers
Yoom Customer Service avatar
Written by Yoom Customer Service
Updated over a week ago

📝 Overview

In the app triggers, you may see two types:

  • Trigger labeled "Webhook” or "Webhook start"

  • Triggers without this label

This guide explains the differences between these trigger types and when to use each.

🪝 “Webhook” Triggers

Instant Execution (Near Real-Time)

When the trigger action happens, Flowbot starts almost immediately.

It's best for real-time automation, where you need an instant response.


A new card is newly created in Trello and Flowbot immediately starts processing it.

⏳ Triggers with Interval

Scheduled Execution

These triggers require you to set an interval for checking updates.

At each interval, Yoom checks if a trigger action has occurred before starting Flowbot.

If no trigger action is detected, Flowbot does not run.

📍 Example:

A Google Sheets row is updated multiple times, but you only need to process it once per hour instead of every minor change.

Best Use Case:

✔️ Prevents Flowbot from triggering too many times for minor updates.

✔️ Ideal when multiple changes happen in a short period and only the latest one matters.

☝️ Note:

If a trigger only supports Webhook start, the interval setting won't be displayed.

🔎 When Should You Use Each Type?

✔️ Use "Webhook Start" if:

  • You need Flowbot to run immediately when an event happens.

  • Example: A form submission triggers a Flowbot instantly.

✔️ Use "Trigger with Interval" if:

  • You want to avoid too many triggers in a short time.

  • Example: A database record is updated multiple times, but you only need to process it once per hour.

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Search Keywords

Webhook start, interval-based trigger, trigger, Webhook, real-time

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