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What You Can Do by Integrating Box with Yoom
What You Can Do by Integrating Box with Yoom
Yuki Omori avatar
Written by Yuki Omori
Updated over a week ago

📝 Overview

With Yoom, you can automate file storage and folder management in Box without manually opening the platform.

For example, when you receive an application form via email, Yoom can:

✔️ Automatically create a folder for the company

✔️ Store the received application form in the designated folder

🙌 What You Can Do

✔️ Trigger automated workflows when files are uploaded

✔️ Create new folders without opening Box

✔️ Copy or upload files automatically

✔️ Manage users directly from Yoom

🙅 What cannot be done

✕ Deleting folders or files is not supported.

✕ Downloading files from Box is not possible.

🏃 Available Actions for Box Integration

⚡️ Trigger-Based Actions (Start Flowbot Automatically)

Trigger Event


When a file is uploaded to a folder

Yoom is triggered when a file is uploaded to a specific folder.

When a file is uploaded inside a subfolder

Yoom is triggered when a file or folder is uploaded inside a folder within the specified folder.

📦 Actions for Managing Box Folders & Files



Get a list of items in a folder

Retrieve a list of file IDs in a specific folder.

Create a folder

Automatically create a new folder.

Search content in a specific folder

Search for content within a specific folder.

Copy a file

Copy a selected file to another location.

Upload a file

Upload a file to a specific folder.

Get file information

Retrieve file details such as file name, creation date,

and update date.

Upload a file version

Overwrite an existing file with a new version.

👩‍💻 Actions for Managing Users in Box



Create a new user

Add a new user to Box.

Add a user to a group

Assign a specific user to a group.

Search Keywords

box, box integration, file automation, cloud storage, workflow, box api

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