📝 Overview
With Yoom, you can integrate various applications and automate actions.
To integrate with certain apps, you may need to use specific methods.
This guide explains Base64 encoding, a method used by some apps for secure data handling.
🧐 What is Encoding?
Encoding is the process of converting data into a specific format that can be easily processed.
For example, video files or other data types that cannot be used directly can be encoded to make them readable or playable.
What is Base64 Encoding?
Base64 encoding converts data into a string of 64 characters.
Lowercase (
)Uppercase (
)Numbers (
)Symbols (
Some apps integrated with Yoom require you to use Base64 encoding for data like ID and password combinations. You’ll need to encode this data before using it.
You can easily encode data using various online tools. Simply search for “Base64 encode” to find a tool that suits your needs.
That’s everything you need to know about Base64 encoding!
Search Words
Search Words
Encoding, Base64, Base64 encoding, conversion, Yoom