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Joining Your Union

Information on joining your union

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Written by YWAS Team
Updated over 4 months ago

Every worker has the right to join a union. There is a union for every worker in every kind of job and every workplace. Being part of a union is the best way to protect and improve your rights at work. 

What is a Union

Unions are groups of workers from particular industries who come together to promote their collective interests. Unions organise for things which their members care about such as, worker safety, fair pay and job security.

Different unions represent different industries.

Joining a union is completely confidential – you don’t need to tell the boss, your co-workers or your parents. If you are old enough to work, you can join your union.

Why Join a Union

Union members are generally paid more (around $312 per week or 26 percent extra) and have better working conditions than non-members.

Unions can:

  • Help ensure you get treated fairly and paid properly.

  • Help you improve your pay and conditions.

  • Help you if you have a question or issue at work.

  • Help support campaigns about important issues outside of the workplace.

Your employer can't prevent you from joining a union and it is illegal for an employer to discriminate against someone because they are a union member.

Unions ACT

Unions ACT is a Trades and Labour Council. Their role is as the peak body for unions in the ACT. Unions ACT is able to help you find which union represents you at your workplace and help you to join. Unions ACT also organises for community outreach across multiple union spaces and promotes the interests of union members more generally.

Unions ACT is the largest independent voice for working people in the Canberra region. Find out more at UnionsACT

What Union do I join?



Teachers and Support Staff in public schools and TAFEs

Workers in Manufacturing Industries including: food, metal, printing, packaging, vehicle building, vehicle service and repair

Registered Nurses, Registered Midwives, Enrolled Nurses and Assistants in Nursing.

Salaried Doctors

Local Government, Social and Community Services, Public/Private Transport, Travel, Energy, Water, Information Technology, Clerical and Administrative, Public Sector, Airlines.

Accommodation, Administration and Support services, Agriculture Forestry and Fishing, Arts and Recreation, Construction, Education and Training, Electric, Waste, Water and Gas Services, Media and Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Mining, Professional Scientific and Technical Services, Public Administration and safety, Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services, Wine Industry, Laundry Industry, Wholesale Trade and Other Workers

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy, Manufacturing and Maritime Workers

Public sector, Telecommunications, Call centre, Employment service, Commercial broadcasting, Aviation industry and Science and Research Workers

Electricians, Electrical Apprentices and Electrical Workers

Finance, Superannuation and Insurance Workers

Teachers and Support Staff in non-government schools

Workers in TV, radio, theatre & film, entertainment venues, journalists, sportspeople, cartoonists, photographers, performers and more

Workers in the Meat Industry

Workers in the Tertiary Education Sector

Plumbers and Pipe Workers

Engineers, Pharmacists', Scientist, Collieries' staff, Veterinarians, Translators, Interpreters, Architects, Other Managers and Professionals.

Retail, Warehousing and Fast Food Workers.

Workers in Australia’s Rail and Public Transport Industries

Road Transport, Aviation and Gig Economy Transport Workers

Firefighters and people employed in related activities.

Local Government, Energy and Utility Workers

Aged Care, Home care and Disability Support, Animal Care, Casinos and Clubs, Cleaners, Early childhood educators, Farm, Food and beverage manufacturing, Health and Fitness, Hospitality, Immigration detention, Laundries, Logistics, Manufacturing, Market Research & Call Centres, Property services, Sales representatives, Security officers, Teacher Aides, Tourism

Different Unions cover workers in different industries. Some unions cover a bunch of different industries. If you're unsure which union represents you in the ACT, the easiest way to find out is through the UnionsACT Website. Or email us at:

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