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Why sell your product to a thousand customers, when you can give it away to a million?
Why sell your product to a thousand customers, when you can give it away to a million?
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

Companies tend to measure their success by their turnover, their profits and their share value ... we don’t.

We just want to see our ideas and products put to use where needed most by as many people as possible. That is why we make our cutting-edge dispatch software freely available to all. And by leveling the playing field, we believe that together we can change the industry.

We have created the YourDriverApp mobile dispatch solution with independent drivers in mind. They should benefit from it. That’s why we give it away, for free. We have optional dispatcher plans available. We also allow in-app donations, if you choose to support us voluntarily.

We believe that we have created something great. And we don’t want to hide it away behind expensive licences and subscription plans. We want to remove any possible barrier to ensure all independent drivers across the globe will try it.

With over 6 million drivers worldwide, we believe that dispatching technology can be made more affordable than anything out there. Donation-based for drivers, with optional plans for dispatchers. Together build the world’s largest independent driver community. Gathered in private groups. The more drivers you invite to join, the more you empower us to help drivers around the globe.

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