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Requirements and smartphone resources
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

YourDriverApp is a standalone application created for taxi/limo drivers and dispatchers. It is available on both iOS and Android platforms.


  • Driver App pre-installed on your smartphone.

  • Android version 5.x or higher; iOS version 11.x or higher.

  • GPS.

  • 3G/4G/5G connection.

  • Mobile phone number for registration.

After the application has finished installing, you will have to grant access to the following smartphone resources (for the reasons outlined below):

  • Phone contacts – used to build your personal network by marking contacts as drivers or customers. Once the mobile address book has been imported, the application can identify people who are already using the app. Contact records are fetched from your phone and you can decide who you'd like to connect with or invite. The application will not contact anybody without your consent or share any information with third parties.

  • Phone’s location – used to share your location with the people within your network only when you have started a shift. Also used by the dispatching process to distribute jobs to the closest drivers.

  • iOS only: push messages - used to notify you about new job offers, status updates and/or messages from fellow drivers.

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