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How to cancel your YourDriverApp membership plan
How to cancel your YourDriverApp membership plan
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

You can cancel your membership at any time. This will revert your account to our free service after any remaining (Business) Dispatcher time runs out.

Here’s how to cancel using your Android or iOS device.

Before we say goodbye, we want to let you know that you can always contact us! We are always open to new insights to make sure YourDriverApp fits your needs. We improve YourDriverApp every week, based on customer ideas, so don't hesitate to contact us.

If you still want to cancel your subscription, here's how:


  1. Open the App Store app.

  2. Click on your profile icon in the upper right-hand corner.

  3. Press Manage Subscriptions.

  4. You’ll see a list of all your active and expired subscriptions.

  5. If you want to cancel one, press the desired active subscription and then press Cancel Subscription toward the bottom.

  6. If you want to renew one, click the desired expired subscription. You’ll usually see a list of different plans. Press the one you want, and then iOS will prompt you to approve an Apple Pay payment.

Google Play

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store

    Google Play


  2. Check if you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.

  3. Tap Menu

    and then


  4. Select the subscription you want to cancel.

  5. Tap Cancel subscription.

  6. Follow the instructions.

Good to know: Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.

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