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An introduction to contact management
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

YourDriverApp is all about helping you to stay connect with the outside world. For this the app relies greatly on your phone contact list. The app helps you to differentiate who’s who in your phone’s contact list. A phone contact can be any of the following 3 types:

  • Driver - Mark the phone contact as a driver so that you can start exchanging work.

  • Customer - Mark the phone contact as a customer so that they can be used when booking a new job.

  • Other - Use this type for phone contact that is neither a customer nor driver. E.g. friends or family.

Why it is important to build a strong network


Staying connected with a strong network of fellow drivers is of great importance for any taxi or limo driver. Connecting with a driver makes it possible to share availability and location. Based on this information it also gives you the option to exchange jobs or information with them via chat. The more connected you are, the more work can be exchanged.

You decide the contacts you would like to connect with or invite. We do not contact anybody without your permission or share their information with third parties.

How to: Setting the right contact type

When you open the 'Contacts' tab, on the bottom left of your screen, the app will show you a list of all your phone contacts.


When you click on this contact you will have the following options:

  • Connect with this driver - Get connected with all your drivers in your contact list by marking them as driver. When you both mark each other as a driver you can share each other's availability and start collaborating. (If your contact is not yet using YourDriverApp, you can read here how to invite them to also get connected and start using YourDriverApp.)

  • Mark as a customer - By marking a contact as a customer you can make it easier to use their details in the future.

  • Mark as a private contact - By marking a contact as a private contact you can easily separate family and friends from business contacts.

Want to know how to connect with your contacts?

  • Click here to read more on how to connect with other YourDriverApp users.

  • Click here to read more on how to invite drivers that are not yet using YourDriverApp.

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