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Job ownership explained
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

In this article we will explain the concept of 'Job Ownership'.

Every job in the YourDriverApp platform is linked to an owner. Ownership can either be private (a person, the user that created the job) or a business ( a YourDriverApp Business Group). This job ownership determines who is responsible for this job, and therefore who has rights to dispatch (assign a driver) or edit the job.

Group owned jobs require an active Fleet Solutions License

Private owned jobs

For private owned jobs only the YourDriverApp user that created the job has the right to edit and dispatch the job. This means that the responsibility for this job lies with a private contact (you), who is therefore solely responsible for the progress of the ride, the payments and commissions. A good example here is if you work with a group of drivers as you did for example in a WhatsApp group. All jobs dispatched in this group are privately owned by each driver/dispatcher.

Group owned jobs

For group owned jobs all admins or operators of the group can edit and dispatch the job. This means that the responsibility for the job lies with the group (admins and operators). A good example here is when the group is owned by a taxi company, all jobs dispatched in this group are owned and administrated by the taxi company. It is not dependent on a single user.

Before you can assign a Business Group as the owner for a job, the following criteria need to be met:

  • You need to be member with admin or operator rights to a YourDriverApp Business Group (i.e. a group that has job ownership enabled).

  • An active Fleet Solutions License on the group is required.

When the criteria above are met, you will find the "Ownership" option in the Job create or edit screen and have the option to set the ownership.

For users that have set up a Business Group through which they will process all their jobs, we recommend setting this Business Group as the default owner when creating a new job from the jobs tab.

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