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About YourDriverApp Business Groups
About YourDriverApp Business Groups
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

This document describes the concept of YourDriverApp Business Groups.

A Business Group is intended for groups that act as an official business with multiple operators or admins representing the business.

When you upgrade your YourDriverApp Group to a Business Group, your group becomes a virtual dispatch solution. The Business Group allows multiple operators and admins to review, manage & configure, dispatch and process group-owned jobs.

Additionally, a Business Group can be setup with our web based Fleet Solutions to setup your Web Booker, web Dispatch Panel, setup group pricing, accept online payments and integrate customer booking tools or API integrations.

Upgrading your group to a Business Group requires an active Fleet Solutions License.

Group menu setting for Business Groups

When within your group menu, you can click on the top name of your group to open the settings for the group.


Within this settings menu, you have a couple of options, we will discuss them one by one.

Collaboration type

Here you can choose how you wish to interact with your members and what kind of rights your members have within your group.




Job ownership

Job ownership is all about responsibility for the jobs.

  • If job ownership in a group is off, this means that the responsibility lies with a private contact, who is therefore responsible for the progress of the ride, the payments and commissions. A good example here is if you work with a group of drivers as you did for example in a WhatsApp group. All jobs dispatched in this group are privately owned by each driver/dispatcher.

  • If 'job ownership' is on in a group, this means that the responsibility lies with the group (admins and operators) for the progress of the ride, the payments and commissions. A good example here is when the group is owned by a taxi company, all jobs dispatched in this group are owned and administrated by the taxi company.

Foreign jobs

If you have a partnership with other fleet(owners), you can decide to allow foreign jobs. This way partners (in other groups) can dispatch jobs within your group, the ownership (responsibility) for the job will still be with the one who dispatched the job, so you have no extra administration.

​Dispatch panel for mobile users

Another feature of a Business Group is the possibility for your admins and operators to enter the dispatch panel in your Business Group where you can dispatch all your group's jobs.

YourDriverApp Business Group dispatch panel
You can find this feature in your Business Group under the tab 'Dispatch Panel'. This tab is only accessible for admins and operators of your Business Group. From the dispatch panel they can dispatch and manage all your group's jobs.

The dispatch panel is segmented into 3 sub tabs:

  • To Assign: Here you can find all jobs which are not assigned yet to a driver; these jobs still need to be dispatched/assigned to a (group of) driver(s).

  • To Do: Here you can find all jobs which are already assigned to a driver but are not completed yet.

  • All: Here you can find all jobs.

Fleet Solutions

A Business Group is part of YourDriverApp Fleet Solutions. Read more about Fleet Solutions here

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