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Going through difficult times
Written by Mo Allison
Updated over 8 months ago

If a life event or an ongoing condition is affecting your day-to-day life please know that you are not alone. Let us know early by contacting us in the Zable App so we can help with your finances.

Our team will take time to understand your situation without any judgement. You can share as much or as little as you're comfortable with. Based on what you tell us we'll do our best to help you. This could include reducing your monthly repayments, or connecting you with any dedicated charities and organisations that can help make your life easier.

There are a number of organisations in the UK that can offer free, confidential advice and support.


There are a number of organisations that provide specialised support for people suffering from a bereavement:

  • Cruse have a helpline and live chat function that you can use to access immediate support.

  • Sudden offer support particularly for those who have experienced an unexpected bereavement.

  • Mind offer support and information on other services available to you.

  • Tommy's offer free advice and support for people who have experienced difficulty and loss during pregnancy.

Domestic or sexual abuse

There are organisations that offer specialised support and guidance for people that are impacted by domestic or sexual abuse. These include:

  • Mind who offer a range of mental health services.

  • The Survivor's Trust who have a free helpline and live chat service.

  • NHS who have a postcode finder to help you find specialised services in your area.

  • Refuge and Women's Aid who help women with domestic abuse. They will listen to your needs and help develop a safety plan for you and any children involved.

  • Woman's Trust who provide free professional mental health support for domestic abuse survivors in London.

Mental health

1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem of some kind each year. It's important to know that you are not alone and help is available.

  • Samaritans can be contacted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can get in touch about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how large or small the issue feels.

  • Mind give advice and support to anyone experiencing difficulty with a mental health problem.

Substance abuse and addiction

These organisations can help if you are suffering from an addiction:

  • Frank who offer a helpline and live chat function for confidential support. You can find support in your local area by entering your postcode on their website here.

  • Mind can provide you with information and support, and refer you to a specialist organisation depending on the type of addiction you are suffering from.

  • NHS offer guidance and advice on their website.

Long-term illness

  • Macmillan can help if you or someone you know is struggling with cancer.

  • Alzheimer's Society specialise in caring for people with dementia.

  • Mind will help you cope if you or a relative is affected by a mental health condition.


If you are struggling with your living situation, there are organisations that offer free housing advice and support. These include Shelter and Citizen's Advice Bureau.

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