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Procurement Mobile App

How to use the Procurement Mobile App

Maximilian Geiger avatar
Written by Maximilian Geiger
Updated over a week ago


In a nutshell

Whether plates, blankets or paper: Send requirements to the Procurement dashboard quickly with your iPhone or iPad App.

  • Easily find your material in the mobile app

  • Create QR codes for recurring requirements

  • Scan-to-request for compatible packaging


For downloading the app click on the QR code or scan it with your mobile phone.



In order to log in, tap on Login with Zaikio and use your credentials of your Zaikio account.

Mobile App Login

Changing the organization

When you belong to more than one organization, you can change the organization by tapping on the blue highlighted name of your organization in the upper left corner. In this example it would be "Demo Print".

Mobile App start screen

Searching for material

First tap on the search bar on your start screen. Then choose your desired category or All materials.

Mobile App category

In the next step you can search for a certain material. Therefore you can enter the name of a material, the name of a supplier or choose one of the recently requested materials.

Mobile App material

Your recent requests are also displayed within the start screen. Perhaps you already can find your desired material there.

Add material to the Procurement dashboard

After you've found your material, just tap on it. In the next step you can add the desired amount, the desired delivery date as well as a reference/note. By tapping on Submit your requirement is added to the Procurement dashboard.

Mobile App material request


Your requirement is just added to the Procurement dashboard and not ordered. Please ask one of your colleagues to order your requirement.

Creating a QR Code

When you've requested your material, you've the possibility to create a QR code, so next time you just have to scan the QR code instead of searching your material. Just tap on the button Create QR code. Afterwards you can print the code or send it via e-mail.

Mobile App – create QR code

Scanning a QR code

If you want to scan a QR code, tip on the scan button on the upper right side, right below your profile picture. Then hold the QR code in front of your camera and the deposited material is displayed. Now you can edit the requirement and add it to the Procurement dashboard.

Mobile App start screen

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