If you want to create an app and offer it via the Zaikio Store, you can make all the necessary settings in the developer backend.
Your apps
Here you can create new apps or see an overview of your existing apps. Click on an app to access the individual app settings.
Test accounts
On this page, you can easily create test customers that you can then immediately link to your app. Like this, you can map a wide range of test scenarios with just a few clicks.
Vendor Page
You can configure how your company is presented in the Zaikio Store on the Vendor Page. We recommend that you fill in all fields and upload your logo and a header.
Ideally, you should store this information for all three languages separately.
During the configuration, you can create a preview of the page at any time.
Here you can find links to our documentation and to our Slack Workspace, where you can contact our developers and exchange ideas with other Zaikio users.