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Pricing agreements

How to create, edit and delete pricing agreements?

Maximilian Geiger avatar
Written by Maximilian Geiger
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how to create, edit and delete pricing agreements.

General information

What are pricing agreements (= sales groups) and how do they work? Pricing agreements form a framework. When prices are uploaded, they are assigned to a pricing agreement. The pricing agreement it self is linked to one or more customer contracts. This means that only those prices are available to a customer that are stored in his contract and his pricing agreements. A diagram explaining the relationship between products, price agreements and prices can be found in our Docs.


Articles are only visible if the respective item has a price in the price agreement associated with the respective customer contract.

You can find the menu Pricing agreements in the side navigation. An overview shows you all agreements. The search bar allows you to search for entries. The following information is displayed in the overview:

  • Pricing agreement: Name of the pricing agreement.

  • Name der Preisvereinbarung. Clicking on it will show you more information. (see also chapter Edit/delete a pricing agreement)

  • Currency: Which currency applies to this price agreement.

  • Visability: Indication whether the price agreement is public or confidential. Public means that the products can be viewed without a contract, but not the prices!

  • Created: When the pricing agreement was created.

  • Customers: Indication of how many customer contracts this price agreement is associated with.

  • Prices: Indication of how many prices the price agreement contains.

Pricing agreements – overview

New pricing agreement

In order to create a new price agreement, click on the button Add new pricing agreement first. Then enter a name and select a currency that is valid for this agreement. Use the "Visibility" field to specify for which customers prices and items are visible:

  • Confidential (default): Only members can see the products and prices.

  • Public: The products are visible publicly, that means also for print shops which don't have a contract with you. Prices are, according to the existing contracts, still only visible for customers.

Add new pricing agreement

Edit/delete a pricing agreement

To edit a price agreement or to get more information, click on the respective name in the overview. Use the Edit button to adjust the name, the currency and the visibility and finally save it.

By clicking on the button Delete pricing agreement the pricing agreement can be deleted. This will also delete all the prices it contains. This means that customers who are linked to this agreement can no longer see the corresponding articles. This action cannot be undone!

Edit a pricing agreement

Add a pricing agreement to a contract

For linking an existing price agreement with a customer or customer contract, first click on Contracts and open the corresponding contract by clicking on it. At the bottom you find the button Add another pricing agreement. This button will show you all your pricing agreements that are not linked, yet. Select the corresponding agreement and confirm with Add to sales group. Now your customer can see all products and prices of the linked agreement.

Contract – add a pricing agreement

Remove a pricing agreement

There are two possibilities for removing a pricing agreement from a contract:

Option 1 – within the pricing agreement

Open the desired agreement in the menu Pricing agreements. Now a list of the deposited customers will be displayed. If you want to remove a customer from this agreement, click on the button Remove from agreement in the corresponding line.

Option 2 – within the customer contract

Click on Contracts and select the corresponding contract. Now scroll down and click on the trash can icon to delete the price agreement from this contract.

To delete a price agreement read the chapter Edit/delete a pricing agreement.

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