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App publisher – How to publish my app in the Zaikio App Store?
App publisher – How to publish my app in the Zaikio App Store?

What info is needed to be listed in the Zaikio App Store?

Maximilian Geiger avatar
Written by Maximilian Geiger
Updated over a week ago

This article is intended for developers, partners and app publishers. The following requirements must be met for listing a public app in the Zaikio App Store

Vendor page

First click on the developer icon in the upper right corner. On the left side you find the entry Vendor page. By clicking on it you can edit your vendor page. Please set up an an english entry which contains the following. We also recommend to set up an entry for other languages.

  1. General contact (e-mail or phone)

  2. URL

  3. Description

  4. Logo

  5. Header picture

Vendor page

App Store Listing

In order to edit your App Store Listing click on the developer icon in the upper right corner and on the particular app in the menu Your Apps. On the left side you find the menu Listing. By clicking on it you can start editing it. The following information is required:

  1. An Short Description in English must be added. We recommend a local version as well.

  2. An English description must be added. We recommend local version as well.

  3. Please enter at least one screenshot.

  4. Please name your URL and one working support contact – sales email, support email, phone.

  5. Please enter a link to your privacy policy.

  6. Select a category your app applies to. (This choice can be made in the menu App Configuration/General/Edit App details)

  7. Upload a logo of your app. (The logo can be uploaded in the menu App Configuration/General.)

App Store listing


Technically your app must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Enabling OAuth

  • Your app has valid scopes

  • Listening to and posting events


Please let us know, when you entered all required info, so we can check and publish the app. In case you have any questions feel free to contact your partner/success manger.

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