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Delivery validation
Jelizaveta avatar
Written by Jelizaveta
Updated over a month ago

With our delivery validation feature, you can check if the customer is eligible for delivery. Depending on what the customer enters in the widget, a matching delivery location will be selected.

You can choose between:

To set up delivery validation, follow our video tutorial or the written steps.

How does delivery validation work?

Postcode matching validation

Recommended use

For delivering to a relatively small area

For delivering to a wide area

For more complex delivery rules

For countries that don't use postal codes

Example zip codes








Eligible zip codes









London, london, Milton Keynes, miltonkeynes

Non-eligible postcodes

Any postcode that is not added to Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Any postcode that does not begin with 123 or SW1A

Any postcode that does not begin with 123 or SW1A, has less or more digits than asterisks and is missing a space

Any city name that doesn't begin with LONDON or MILTONKEYN

Distance or area matching validation

Google Maps API key




Recommended use

If your delivery zone is set by a straight line radius from your store

If your delivery zone is set by a driving distance from your store

If you need an unusual delivery area shape

Example distances

10 km

10 km

Any distance within your custom drawn area

Eligible addresses

Any address within 10 km straight line distance from your store

Any address within 10 km driving distance from your store

Any address within the shaded area

Non-eligible addresses

Any address further than 10 km straight line distance from your store

Any address further than 10 km driving distance from your store

Any address outside the shaded area

Delivery validation settings

To select the delivery validation method, click Settings, then click Local delivery.

The delivery validation method you select in the general settings will apply to all locations.

The postal codes/distances are location specific and should be set within each location. Click Locations, then click the location you want to edit, then click Edit settings for Local delivery.

No validation

If you don't need this feature, it can be set to no validation.

With no validation selected, all of your customers will be able to proceed to checkout, regardless of their postal code or address.

No validation method can be used if you have only one delivery location. If you have multiple locations, then the location that was created first will always be selected for delivery, other locations will not be used.

  1. Click Settings then Local Delivery.

  2. In the Distance validation section, select No validation.

  3. Click Save.

If you have our delivery date and time picker enabled, your customers will need to select their preferred date and time before clicking check out.

Changing the wording in the widget

If you are using no validation, you will need to change the wording in the widget.

  1. Click Settings, then click Text and Design.

  2. In Text and design section, click Show next to Delivery widget.

  3. Change the wording for Instructional text or remove it completely.

  4. Change the wording for User has not selected a location, date or time section.

    Remove the “zip code” wording from the text and edit the wording to match your settings.

  5. Click Save.

When you change the wording, this is how your widget would look with no validation.

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