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How does payment work on ZehMizeh?
How does payment work on ZehMizeh?
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

There are two payment models for projects posted on ZehMizeh - hourly and project-based projects. Clients decide while posting a project which type of payment model that project will follow.

Hourly Projects

For hourly projects, the users agree not to set a specific salary for the whole project. Instead, the freelancer will post pieces of the project as it develops, along with invoices for the hours worked, (referred to on ZMZ as “milestones”). The client pays each of these invoices as they come, and ZMZ’s payment system delivers the money directly to the freelancer’s bank account.

Project-Based Projects

In these projects, the client and freelancer agree on a set price for the entire project. They also agree to the number of payments that that salary will be delivered in.

They can deliver the entire salary in one payment, in which case the freelancer is paid when the whole project is done. Or they can break the project into smaller pieces ("milestones") and the freelancer can be paid upon completion of individual sections.

Before beginning to work, the freelancer submits “milestone proposals” - suggestions about how to break down salary. Once these parameters are agreed upon, the client is charged the full amount of anything he promised to pay. The money is held by a third party until the work is completed. The client does not get it back unless the freelancer chooses to release it back or if the freelancer abandons the project.

When the freelancer has sent the completed work to the client - either as one complete project or in pieces as they continue - the client can have the money released and sent directly to the freelancer’s bank account.

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