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Tour: Client's Dashboard Page
Tour: Client's Dashboard Page
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

The dashboard is a client's base of operations. You can see some of your basic work stats, navigate to your most recent projects, and see relevant updates.

Header Boxes

Total Projects Completed

This is the number of projects you've completed as a member of ZMZ.

Total Freelancers Hired

This is the number of individual freelancers you've hired in your time working on ZMZ.


This is the average of all of the ratings you've received from freelancers. After every project, a freelancer can rate his experience with a client on a scale from 1-5 stars, (5 being the best).

Projects Box

Projects in Progress

This is a list of the projects in progress that the client has already hired a freelancer for.

Posted Projects

These are projects that have been posted but that have not had a freelancer assigned to them yet. They may or may not have project proposals submitted to them.

Project Drafts

These are unpublished project posts.


A client can save time filling out similar project posts by using clients. A client is like a draft of a project post with many details filled in that a client can go back to again and again. (Users can create new clients from this tab or from the "Post New Project" page.)

Proposals Received Box

These are proposals submitted by freelancers interested in completing your projects. They are listed from newest to oldest. You can accept or decline proposals from this tab, but be sure to compare proposals before making any final decisions.

"View All Proposals" Link

Here's an expanded list of all the proposals you've received, making it easier to compare proposals for the same project. (You can also go to the "Posted Projects" tab on your "My Projects" page to see this in another format.)

Freelancers Box

Current Hires

This is a list of all of the freelancers the client is currently doing projects with. By clicking on a freelancer’s thumbnail, you can see his profile and which active projects you are engaged in together.


These are any freelancer profiles that the client has saved for later consideration. They may or may not have worked together before.

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