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A Tour of a Freelancer's Profile for Clients
A Tour of a Freelancer's Profile for Clients

The client's guide to everything the freelancer wants you to know

Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

In order to decide who to hire, the client has to visit the freelancers' profile pages. These pages display all of the information the freelancer wants to share. Below is a small guide to what you'll see.

The Intro Box

At the top of the freelancer's profile page is a long banner with some basic introductory information. We call this the intro box. Here's what you'll find:

  • Basics - The freelancer's name and profile photo.

  • Agency box - If the account is an agency account, you'll see a blue box that reads "Agency." An agency account is one that represents a group or company rather than an individual.

  • Headline - Below the freelancer's name will be his "headline," which is like a slogan, tagline, or other basic intro of what he does professionally.

  • Standard Hourly Rate - Some freelancers will display a typical rate they charge for their work. If they haven't selected one, this spot will read "n/a."

  • Location - Where the freelancer lives

  • Average Rating - After every project, a client is asked to rate how their experience was with the freelancer, on a scale from 1-5 stars. This box will also show how many ratings the freelancer has received to create that average.

  • Projects Done - The number of projects the freelancer has completed on ZMZ.

There are also two actions you can take in each freelancer intro box:

  • Save or Un-Save - There's a round button with a bookmark icon in the top-right corner of the Intro Box. Clicking this button will save the freelancer's profile for later consideration; clicking it a second time will un-save the profile. Saved profiles are found at the bottom of the client's dashboard page.

  • Invite - This button allows you to invite this freelancer to any other project which has not been assigned to someone yet. If they're interested, they'll reply with a project proposal.

The "Details" Tab

This is the main page of the profile, where freelancers introduce themselves and their skills.

My active projects with

If you are already involved in projects with this particular freelancer, they will be listed here. If there are no active projects, this box will be absent.

"About Me" or "About the Agency"

The “About" section is the primary place for freelancers or agencies to introduce themselves. They can describe their work history and experience, their style, specialties, or unique services.


These are the skills that the freelancer or agency has expertise in and is offering as a service.


These are the languages the freelancer or agency can work in.


This box displays the freelancer’s educational background. Agencies won't have this box.

Courses and Certifications

These are any specific courses or certifications that the freelancer has taken that are relevant to the services they are offering. Agencies won't have this box.


This is feedback (and the ratings) that the freelancer received from clients on previous projects.

The "Portfolio" Tab

The portfolio tab is where freelancers can display their previous work to give clients a sense of their skills and style. Some freelancing services don’t lend themselves to portfolios, so not all freelancers will have posts here.

Click on individual thumbnails to see the contents of the project. Some files will download while others will be displayed.

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