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Tour: Client's "My Projects" Page
Tour: Client's "My Projects" Page
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

The "My Projects" page is where a client can access all of their projects, both active and inactive. Below is a tour of the tabs you'll find there:

Search Bar

This tool allows you to quickly find projects by name.

Projects in Progress Tab

This first tab lists all of the projects that are currently active and open. Projects are listed with the name of the freelancer, the budgets, how much has already been paid, and the due date (if one has been set).

On the right side of a project's banner, you'll see the date that the project was started. Below that is a button that reads "Invite to another project," where you can invite the freelancer you hired here to submit a proposal for a different project.

All Projects

This tab lists all of your projects at all levels of development, including: projects still in progress, unpublished drafts, posted projects you haven't hired a freelancer for, and finished projects, (called "closed"). These statuses appear in colored boxes on the right side of the project's banner.


The projects found here have not been posted yet, so freelancers can't apply to them. Click on the project banner, then click on the "Continue Posting" button to move a project to the next tab.

Posted Projects

This tab shows projects that have been posted already but still have no freelancer assigned to them. The project banners here will also indicate how many proposals freelancers have submitted. Click the banner to open the project's page and compare proposals.


These are the projects that have been closed. You can no longer work on these projects, but you can message the freelancer if you need to.

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