Tour: The "Messages" Page
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

ZehMizeh users have the option to send messages to clients or freelancers they work with. They can do this from an individual project's page, or they can navigate to the "Messages" tab at the top of the browser window.

Here, users can review their messages from all of their projects in one place. Below is a brief description of this page.


This is a list of all conversations that a user has. The most recently updated conversations are at the top of the list. Next to the word "Inbox" is a number in brackets that shows how many unread messages the user has. (Unread messages are printed in bold.)


There is a search bar under the heading "Inbox". With this tool, a user can search for a conversation either by the name of the other user or by the title of the project you are involved in.

Search Messages

Some projects will have many messages exchanged. This bar allows users to search for specific messages in their conversation history.

Write Your Message...

Users can post new messages here. To send a message, press the Enter key or click on the yellow "Send" icon.

Add Attachment Button

Next to the yellow "Send" symbol is a stylized paper clip that looks like a spiral. Click on it to add attachments and send them to your client or freelancer.

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