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Tour: The "Help" Page
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

The Help Page is the user's portal to ZMZ's customer support features. Below is a brief tour of what you'll find there.

"General Inquiry" Tab

This default tab is where users can submit any question they would like. (Although it's always best to check here in the ZMZ Knowledge Base to see if your question is already answered.)

When submitting an inquiry, include a clear subject line for ZMZ staff and a detailed description of your question or challenge. You can also attach any relevant files, (like a screenshot of an error message, for example), with the "Attach Documents" function.

"Submit Dispute" Tab

If a freelancer feels they are owed money, or if a client is being asked for money that they believe they don't owe, submitting a dispute will get the ZMZ staff to settle the issue. Simply select the relevant project and milestone that the dispute is about on this page and submit a detailed explanation of the issue. Be sure to include any attachments (like screenshots of a relevant conversation with another user) to make your point.

We advise any user considering filing a dispute to read through the dispute policies here in the ZMZ Knowledge Base. You will often be able to determine how the ZMZ staff will settle a dispute before even submitting it.

Users should also keep in mind that even if they get what they're hoping for from the dispute, the user they're working with will still get to submit a rating when the project is done. With that in mind, we encourage any user experiencing a conflict to first try to have an open and honest conversation with the other user and avoid the resentment that can come from miscommunications.

Dispute History Page

To view your disputes, past and present, click the "Open Dispute History" button at the bottom of this tab. This will take you to the Dispute History page, where you can see all of your unresolved ("open") and already-settled ("closed") disputes.

The page is made up of a list of dispute banners. The information displayed is as follows:

  • The name of the project and milestone under dispute.

  • The reason submitted for the dispute

  • The name of the user who submitted it.

  • Whether the dispute is open or closed.

  • The date it was submitted and the date it was closed.

Clicking on the dispute's banner will open a pop-up with more details, including any attachments that were submitted. When the dispute is marked as closed, the pop-up will also display a synopsis from the ZMZ admin, summarizing the reasoning behind how they settled the case.

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