Tour: Freelancer's Profile
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

The main tool freelancers use to introduce themselves to clients is their profile. Below is a tour of what you'll see there, (moving from the top of the page to the bottom).

The Intro Box

Profile Picture

A photo of yourself that you can upload to make your profile more personable. This can be changed at any time by clicking on the "Edit" button, which looks like a little blue pen icon on the lower-right side of the picture. Note that all photos will be automatically blurred until an client clicks on them.


Below the user's name is their "Headline." Your headline is meant to be the space where you can introduce what you do professionally. When clients are doing a freelancer search, they'll see it displayed just below your name as a personal subtitle or tagline. The simplest ways to introduce yourself would be to just name your basic job title, list some of your skills, or share a personal slogan.

Your Email and Phone Number

These are not on display to other ZMZ users.

Your Hourly Rate

Putting an hourly rate does not commit you to that price; this is meant to simply give clients a general estimation of your rate. If you put nothing here, it will appear as "n/a" to clients.

Your Location

This will be on display to clients, who are interested to know about freelancers' timezones, cultures, styles, etc.

Edit Account Settings Button

There's a white "Edit" button in the top-right corner of the Intro Box, allowing a user to change any of these details.

Reset Password

Just below the Intro Box, on the right side, is a link in blue that reads "Reset Password." Click here to reset an account password.

"Details" Tab

This is the main page of the profile where freelancers introduce themselves and their skills.

"About Me" Box

This is the freelancer's biggest space for describing themselves. Everything that you want the client to know (that doesn't belong in a different box) goes here.

"Languages" Box

This box lists all of the languages that the freelancer can do their work in.

"Skills" Box

This is where you list what services you want to provide to ZMZ clients. If there's a skill that you want to display that you don't see, check if it's listed under another, synonymous name. If you still can't find the skill in question, you can submit it as a suggestion for the ZMZ staff to add. Go to the "General Inquiry" tab on the "Help" page at the top and submit your skill suggestion in the description. In the subject line, write "New Skill Recommendation."

"Education" Box

Here, users can share their educational background. (Even if your degree has nothing to do with the work you're doing now, it still may be worth sharing, simply to display your credentials.)

"Courses and Certifications" Box

Similar to the degrees you'll display in the "Education" box, you can let clients know here about any relevant courses you've taken or certifications you've received.

"Account Details" Box

This is where freelancers can manage their bank account and Stripe details in order to get paid. None of this can be seen by other users.

"Close My ZehMizeh Account" Button

Click here to request to have your ZMZ account closed.

"Portfolio" Tab

This tab allows freelancers to display collections of their previous work. Many industries don't lend themselves to portfolios, so don't feel pressured to use this feature if you have nothing to upload.

"Add New Project"

This is where a freelancer can add a new collection of portfolio items. Click here for the pop-up window where you can add new projects. You can post up to 25 images or pdfs in one album. Whatever file is uploaded first will be automatically set as the album's thumbnail.

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