How much does ZehMizeh cost?
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

Being a member of ZehMizeh is free for both clients and freelancers. ZehMizeh affords its services by taking percentages out of every transaction that occurs on the website.

Client Costs

The client covers all of the various processing fees that go along with transferring funds online, including bank transfer fees, foreign exchange fees, etc. This amounts to a flat 5% for any clients paying with a credit card. That is, if an client is paying a freelancer for $100 project, he'll pay $105 in total.

Clients living in America have the opportunity to pay by bank transfer, which has only a 3% fee.

Freelancer Costs

ZehMizeh covers all of its own operational costs by taking 9% from the freelancers' fees. So if a freelancer agreed to do a project for $100, his final takeaway would be $91. (ZMZ is proud to say that this is a lower fee than any of the major freelancing websites.)

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