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Tour: Client's Profile Page
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

The main tool freelancers use to introduce themselves to clients is their profile. Below is a tour of what you'll see there, (moving from the top of the page to the bottom).

The Intro Box

Profile Picture

A photo of yourself that you can upload to make your profile more personable. This can be changed at any time by clicking on the "Edit" button, which looks like a little blue pen icon on the lower-right side of the picture. Note that all photos will be automatically blurred until a client clicks on them.

Company Name

The name of your company.

Your Email and Phone Number

These are not on display to other ZMZ users.

Your Location

This is not on display to anyone but you. ZMZ just keeps track of this for various legal reasons and to track different performance metrics.

Edit Account Settings Button

There's a white "Edit" button in the top-right corner of the Intro Box, allowing you to change any of these details.

Reset Password

Just below the Intro Box, on the right side, is a link in blue that reads "Reset Password." Click here to reset an account password.

Payment Details

In order to hire freelancers on ZMZ, you must submit details about how you'll be paying them. This information is of course not visible to any other users.

Credit Card Details

For users outside of the USA, this will be the only payment method available.

Bank Account Details

As an alternative to using a card, you can submit your bank account details and have your account charged directly. Paying this way has a 3% fee, while using a card is charged 5%.

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