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Tour: Post New Project 1/3 - New Project
Tour: Post New Project 1/3 - New Project
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

Post a Project, Page 1/3 - What would you like to do?

You'll see three options when someone clicks the "Post a New Project" button -

  1. Post a New Project - This is the page for making a brand new project post.

  2. Edit Project Draft - If you start to make a project post and stop to finish it later, you can save it as a project draft. To continue with those unfinished posts, click here to find your drafts.

  3. Choose Project Template - If you need to post many projects that are very similar, it can get tedious filling out the "Post a New Project" page again and again. Instead, you can fill out the basic details of those posts and save them as a template. That way, you can simply select the template and adjust the few details that are specific to this project. You can find those templates here.

In this tour, we'll cover only the first option since it covers most of what you need to know about the other two. For a short tour of the "Edit Project Draft" option, click here. For a short tour of the "Choose Project Template" option, click here.

Post a New Project, Page 2/3

Project Title

This is where you write the project title, the first thing freelancers will see and the easiest element for them to search for.

Project Description

This is the longest space you have to describe the project you want done. Be sure to explain in detail everything you want and all of your specific work needs in this space. You will not be able to communicate with any prospective freelancers before hiring them, so if something is unclear here - you won't be able to clarify it.

You'll have to fill in many specific details about the project on the next page. If you'd like to see which details are covered (so that you don't have to include them in the description) you can navigate to the next page by pressing the "Next Step" button. (Alternatively, you can just look below in this article!)

Attachment Field

You can add attachments to your project post by clicking here. Attachments could include photos of styles you want for your project, or files with detailed descriptions about the project at hand.

Navigation Buttons

Move between pages with the "Previous" and "Next Step" buttons. To save your progress and continue making this project post later, press "Save as Draft."

Post a New Project, Page 3/3

Skill Categories

What type of skills should your freelancer possess in order to complete this project? Select the categories here.


If you know the specific skills you're looking for in order to complete this project, add them here.


What languages do you need your freelancer to speak to complete this project with you?

Preferred Freelancer Location

Select where you would prefer your freelancer to be living. When considering your needs, remember: freelancers from around the world differ in their work cultures, time zones, and the costs of their services.

Expected Hours Required

How many hours do you expect the project to take to complete? (If you can't guess, or expect it to continue for many weeks or months, select "Ongoing Project.")

Delivery Time

If the freelancer were to ask you how much time he has to complete the project, which of the listed options best fits your estimate?

Choose Due Date (Optional)

When should the project be completely finished? If you don't know, you can leave this section blank. (Keep in mind that projects often take longer than expected, so this displayed date should be set earlier than your ideal.)

Budget Model

Decide whether you would like this project to be paid in a "Project-Based" model or an "Hourly" model.

  • Project-Based

    • If you know already how much you would like to pay your freelancer for the entire project, select a "Project-Based" budget model.

    • In these projects, clients can commit to the entire budget at once, or in stages. Freelancers and clients agree on how much each stage of the project is worth. When a freelancer finishes a part of the project, (called a "milestone"), the client releases another agreed-upon part of the budget until it's completely paid.

  • Hourly

    • If you would rather not commit to a project budget from the start, it's better to use an 'Hourly' budget model. In these projects, the freelancer will bill the client as he goes, sending invoices for the hours he's worked, along with any products that he's produced in those hours.


Indicate here how much would you like to pay for this project, (for the entire project in a project-based project, or hourly in an hourly project).

Freelancers will be able to propose a different budget when they apply to the project, which you can accept or decline.

Navigation Buttons

You can go back to the previous page by clicking "Previous." You can save your progress and finish making this project post later by clicking "Save as Draft." To post this project for freelancers to find, click "Post Project."

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