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How To: Ask a Question about ZMZ
How To: Ask a Question about ZMZ
Simcha Brick avatar
Written by Simcha Brick
Updated over a week ago

If you want to ask a question about the site, you can send us a message through the Help Center. To do that, click the yellow icon found in the bottom-right of your screen. You'll see a field labeled "Send us a message." This will send a direct message to our support staff. (You'll also find many basic questions addressed in our Help Center.)

Alternatively, you can also submit questions as a General Inquiry. Click the "Help" option at the top of the page and you'll find yourself on our "General Inquiry" page. Fill out the details or your question or request there to have it sent to ZMZ staff. (This is also the place to submit suggestions for new skills, Off-Site Partnership Requests, or any other official business.)

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