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Why is my Campaign Not Getting Enough Traffic?
Why is my Campaign Not Getting Enough Traffic?
Updated over a week ago

You came here to buy media and it’s just not happening! Before you give up, take a look at the list of usual suspects:

  • Narrow targeting

Unless you’re running a CPA campaign and are certain of what works and what doesn’t, we recommend starting the campaign without too much targeting (mainly interest and publisher targeting). It’s better to use those first few days to gather up as much useful data as possible and go from there.

Also, double-check your settings in the Targeting sections at the campaign and account levels to make sure you haven't allow-listed a publisher group by mistake.

  • Not using enough media sources

This is a similar situation to using narrow targeting. Again, it’s better to start the campaign with all of the available media sources enabled. If a media source is not performing well, it’s best to blocklist the underperforming publishers within that media source rather than the entire media source.

  • Low bid CPC

We recommend starting with a bid CPC of at least $0.45 (or more if your targeting is relatively narrow). Getting enough impressions and clicks, in the beginning, is crucial for the platform to collect data for optimization.

  • Not enough ads

We recommend starting with 5-10 ads, and as the campaign moves forward, you should pause those that aren’t performing well. However, you should always have at least 3 ads per ad group.

  • Creatives quality

Make sure your creatives are up to scratch, especially in terms of your selected headlines and images. More on that here.

  • Your daily spend cap

Check them just in case you miscalculated or mistyped. If you’re operating on a strict media plan and your goal is an evenly-paced campaign, you should readjust the daily cap anyway to offset the dip in spending.

  • Blocklisting or pausing a heavy spender

Blocklisting a publisher or pausing a media source that isn’t performing well is a good idea long-term. However, if a lot of your traffic was coming through a specific publisher or media source, the platform might need some time to readjust and that will be reflected in the traffic. It will pick up soon enough, but when a dip in spending occurs, you should consider adjusting your daily spend caps so that the overall pacing of your campaign isn’t affected. We also advise against blocklisting publishers and pausing media sources towards the end of the campaign if you are operating on a strict media plan - precisely because there may not be enough time left to offset the changes in spending.

If none of these applies to you, or you've tried them all and you're still not seeing much traffic, please contact your CS manager!

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