About Zemanta Cookies
Updated over a week ago

About Cookies

Well over 90% of websites use cookies. Cookies are small blocks of data that store information about your data and behavior. Once you visit a website, cookies help you and the website owners to remember who you are, what device are you using, which browser are you navigating the open web on, etc. They also improve your user experience by remembering your login details, for example.

But some websites use cookies also to remember what you do on their website and to target ads at you. Some of them go further and track you on third-party websites too. Online users can, therefore, question Cookies. This is why it’s important to understand what you can do about them.

You can turn cookies off completely and put website functionality at risk. You can turn off third-party cookies only, which will stop websites from sharing information about you with third-party websites.

About Zemanta Cookies

Zemanta may place cookies or similar files such as pixel tags and web beacons on the devices you use to engage with Zemanta for security purposes, to facilitate site navigation, and to personalize your experience when you engage with Zemanta as a Site Visitor, a User, or a Business Partner. Cookies allow us to collect technical and navigational information, such as browser type, time spent by you engaging with Zemanta and pages visited.

You can take a deeper look into any cookie that might concern you. Check the Zemanta Cookie Table policy to further understand how we use data collected by these cookies.

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