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Booking requests

Receiving booking requests from schools, open roles and cancelled bookings, and how to accept or decline

Eleanor Schneiders avatar
Written by Eleanor Schneiders
Updated over a week ago

Responding to booking requests

With Zen you'll receive booking requests directly from schools. When a school requests you for work you'll receive a notification through the app or a text message if you're not using the app. Visit the booking page to accept or decline.

At times multiple staff may be requested so you'll have a better chance of accepting the work the sooner you can review the request.

Regularly responding promptly to bookings will mark you as a Fast responder and increase your chances of receiving more work.

Outstanding booking requests show in the 'Requests' tab of the Supply page when you open the app.

Example booking page

If you are unable to accept be sure to mark why to improve the requests you receive for example, if the year group is not correct, or updating your calendar if you are unavailable, or your travel preferences if a journey is too far.

Open roles

Sometimes we may have work available where a school has not directly requested you. You can see these requests in the Open tab of the Supply page when you open the app. Open roles have not been sent to specific teaching staff and so you are able to accept these directly. Declining open roles also helps tune your preferences to give you the best matches possible.

Cancelled bookings

At times you may follow a link to a booking and see a message that a booking is no longer available. This can be for several reasons including a school cancelling the booking, for instance if a member of staff returns and so cover is no longer needed, or in some cases because another Zen user accepted the booking first.

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